Monday, April 03, 2006

Springtime in Las Vegas

Beautiful weather here. Got girls on my mind again. To avoid temptation I went to Spring Mountain State Park, went up a little hiking trail and found a soft spot where I laid my blanket out and prayed the rosary. The sun was bright, the air was cool and there were these birds who had a soft, sweet song. God's beauty is drink to the soul.

Still got wild thoughts about girls on my mind but the impulse to go chasing them is under control now. Tried to get the kids together for Texas Holdem today but Chris is not answering his phone- he just got a new job, Joshua has to work and Serenity was enjoying the pool on this sunny day. But she promised to have lunch with me tomorrow, an adequate compensation, maybe we'll go to TGI Friday's. Now that I got this neat car to drive maybe I'll go over the Chris's place and roust him up for a meal.

So the Lonely Man has been feeling lonely lately. Tell me, what do you do about your loneliness? Leave a comment....


Anonymous said...

I trust to many Lonely men (lol)... that is what I do with my loneliness...

I don't know why all of my good intentions have come to reflect a life I don't see myself in.

They say "love yourself first"...
incomplete philosophy: cute pop-psyche one-liners spoken by those who haven't a clue what it is really like to be lonely.

Millions upon millions of brave souls sucking it up telling themselves "just gotta love me (first)..." have what to offer if they aren't loving anyone else or more importantly than they realize... loving someone else?

Tell me Lonely-heart-fools, why "Being hopeful" sounds more dignified than "wishful thinking" which just sounds foolish...
sometimes, how much difference is there between them?

Where are you right now? Trying to figure out how you got where you are (too giving or too taking) based upon your good intentions??

Anonymous said...

"Don't Let Your Man Be Lonely"
- Karen Shaw

Don't let your man be lonely
He won't show you he's weak 'til he breaks,
look at his face and look in his eyes
catch his heart with all that it takes.
To keep love lasting, renew
your sight
see him now for who he's become,
is he happy or sad or indifferent
is there romance and flowers and fun?
Do you laugh at his jokes and fuss for his health
and sometimes just leave him alone
do you trust him to be who he is by himself
are you sure he's the man that you've known?
Do you own his pain, do you have control
to aleve or inflict at your will...
do you hold every grudge with more passion
than you hold him at night with no thrill?
Don't let your man think you're happy
having forgotten you're there;
don't let your man be lonely
because some other woman
will care.