Monday, June 12, 2006

It's been awhile...


Here are some more prayer requests.

Please pray for my friend, Monica, who is suffering from severe depression. She is bipolar, like me. Pray that the Lord will lift her depression right away, she is suffering so much, the poor thing.

Pray for everything to go smoothly in the financing of my son's tai chi career. He hopes to become an instructor. Pray that the loan I'm co-signing for will be paid off in a timely manner.

Pray for my friends Barry, Margaret and Hugo to be abundandantly blessed during the Leanne Payne conference this year.

Pray for me to increase in my personal sanctity and for my income to be plentiful and that I will gain in wisdom and understanding and health.

And I pray for you, dear reader, to be likewise blessed by the hand of God. Take care.

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