Friday, January 26, 2007

Man, am I sick...

. And in more ways than one- but we'll leave that one out of the blog.

Where was I? Oh yeah- I am sick. It's been about 3 weeks now that I've had this nasty cold. Runny nose and a lot of coughing, that's mostly it. Been coughing in my sleep lately, it's that bad.

Oh, and my voice.... It's shot and talking makes me cough. When we gather in the mornings to feed the poor at Catholic Worker and recite the prayers I remain silent so as to prevent a coughing bout. Now I don't even want to talk to anyone on the phone.

It's irritating. I really should see a doctor and maybe gets some antibiotics as I'm sure my lungs have a bacterial infection. Anything to speed up the recovery. Sure could use some health insurance....

There, that's enough pathetic blogging....

1 comment:

EC Gefroh said...

Hey Tim! Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better. Sorry to hear you were so sick.