Friday, August 25, 2006

And now for evening prayer excerpts...

The Lord is kind and full of compassion,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the Lord to all,
compassionate to all his creatures.

All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign
and declare your might, O God.

The Lord is faithful in all his words
and loving in all his deeds.
The Lord supports all who fall
and raises all who are bowed down.

The eyes of all creatures look to you
and you give them their food in due time.
You open wide your hand,
grant the desires of all who live.

He grants the desires of those who fear him,
he hears their cry and he saves them.
The Lord protects all who love him;
but the wicked he will utterly destroy.

Let me speak the praise of the Lord,
let all mankind bless his holy name
for ever, for ages unending.

There is no condemnation now for those who are in Christ Jesus. The law of the spirit, the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has freed you from the law of sin and death.

Christ, our frail humanity is prone to fall,
-strengthen us through your help.
Left to itself, our nature is inclined to sin,
-let your love always restore it to grace.
Lord, sin offends you, repentance pleases you,
-do not punish us in your wrath even when we have sinned.
You forgave the penitent woman, and placed the wandering sheep on your shoulders,
-do not deprive us of your mercy.
By your death on the cross you opened the gates of heaven,
-admit into your kingdom all who hoped in you.

God, our Father,
you brought salvation to all mankind
through the suffering of Christ your Son.
May your people strive to offer themselves to you as a living sacrifice
and be filled with he abundance of your love.

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