Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Diversity Day- ugh

So here I am at work, sneaking onto the Internet on my break.
I am hiding away in my cubicle because it's Diversity (yuk!) Day. My co-worker, Nan, who is all gung ho over things like this brought in a Japanese kimono top for me to wear. I feel so conspicuous....
I'm kind of shy anyways, in certain situations. But I also abhor political correctness. It rubs me the wrong way. I've never been too deep into my Japanese heritage- a leftover from a childhood growing up in Las Vegas when it wasn't cool to be asian like it is nowadays. A girl even told me I look "cute" in my kimono, argh! Somebody help me. Heh....
So, I'm hiding away in my cubicle. When I'm sitting down the kimono doesn't show so much.


Julie D. said...

"Diversity Day" sounds more like a high school (or even grade school) special day than something you'd have at work! Very odd!

EC Gefroh said...

Aloha Tim:
Just thought I'd check out your blog. Sorry you were put through that humiliation ;-)
My son, who is Japanese would probably feel the same way.

~pen~ said...

poor guy!

shouldn't participation in these things be voluntary?