Thursday, August 17, 2006

Followup to God's heads up for me...


Sadness... My poor friend at work got fired yesterday. She was one of my favorite co-workers. Sigh....
I don't want to mention her name here. She is kind of young and sort of lacking in self-control and she repeated an earlier offense of mouthing off at a customer, although the phone call was disconnected. Still, it's a no-no. Dang, she was always so sweet to me. A very friendly smile awaited me every time we greeted each other and she always said something neighbourly to me when I would comment on our workday. Oh, my young and impetuous friend, I will pray for you. May this be a learning point for you and a chance at getting another good job. May God use this difficult time to bring a blessing into your life. May he comfort you in your pain. Bye, friend, I am sad I no longer can work with you, but there's a great chance we'll see each other in heaven. Keep on praying.

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